Thursday, June 14, 2012

! Maryam Maquillage !: !!!DINAIR Airbrush System GIVEAWAY!!!

Check out what I found on the internets. She has some really great tutorials and is giving away a dinair airbrush system to celebrate her 1500th follower. Go now and enter!

! Maryam Maquillage !: !!!DINAIR Airbrush System GIVEAWAY!!!: Hello old friends and new!! The day is finally here and I'm super excited to present my very first BLOG giveaway ever!! I've recently hit ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blog Numero Dose: My Favorite Whedon Things

I am now settling in for the night and ready to write my second blog. I sit here with my glass of water and purple hair color in my hair waiting to be rinsed (wonder why purple hair color now smells like grape juice??).

I said I would get to it later and here I am. I need to compile a massive list in order of detailed episode favorites (going to be so hard to do and take so painfully long) but for now I'll simply list some of what I consider to be the best in Whedon TV and movies and why.

Favorite Series:
Firefly, yes Firefly. It used to be Buffy but that was before Firefly existed. The combination of action and drama with heart wrenching and hilarious all rolled up into one is what made me do the old switcharoo. Mal is easily one of the most complex characters in the Whedonverse and is one of my favorites. One minute he can put River on lockdown for getting a little stabby but in the next he might beat someone for simply saying something rude about her. It seems to be the same with his whole crew. You can never quite tell if he cares but then he does something or says something that lets you know he loves them all. He cares very deeply for all of them but he keeps it hidden away as if to admit it would mean that he would have to admit to himself that he is in fact vulnerable. A trait that would be mighty dangerous to have in a job like his. He has to stay hard and take care of business. That in my opinion is why he always kept Inara at arms length. He didn't think he could afford to have a relationship and be a captain of a crew. He couldn't be hard and soft there just wasn't room. That and the war drove all of the feelings out of him, made him hard. The loving bond they all shared made me want to live on that ship with all of them. Danger or no it would have been a shiny place to be (freaking fox, but I wont go there now, no I shall save that for a special blog that I will probably end up writing when I have to much to drink and watch firefly again. I'll sob as I rant). Especially with kaylee on board, she's so damn happy it hurts.

One of my favorite Quotes just because it made me laugh so hard during what was initially an intense scene:

EARLY: You know, with the exception of one deadly and unpredictable midget, this girl is the smallest cargo I've ever had to transport, yet by far the most troublesome. That seem right to you?
SIMON: What did he do? 
EARLY: Who? 
SIMON: The midget. 
EARLY: Arson. Little man loved fire.

DING...... Time to rinse my hair. Pardon me for just a moment.

Ok, I'm back. Where was I? Oh yeah, Firefly. it was awesome and then it was gone (damn you fox) and now I'm moving on or this is going to be on long ass blog.

Firefly is my all time favorite Whedon show and now its time for my favorite Whedon movie. I bet its not what you think it is.

Titan A.E. you read that right. it's Titan A.E. and not Serenity. One reason being that I sort of see Serenity as a continuation of Firefly and count it as part of the show another reason is that its freaking awesome. I know, it only has three and a quarter stars on Rotten Tomatoes. Well I say Rotten Tomatoes can suck it. That is one damn well written and cartooned movie. I thought it was hilarious and the dredge are some bad ass looking dudes (dudettes? both?). It has some pretty amazing visuals and a great soundtrack. I'm not really a big fan Of Drew Barrymore but I did like her character in this and how could you not love Janeane Gerofalo as an insane violent kangaroo alien? Not to mention John Leguizamo's character Gune (loves Gune). Joss helped with the screenplay and it's my understanding that he did a major rewrite and they kept most of it in the actual script. I think I see allot of his writing in there and it shows through which is why I think I fell in love with it. it's his style and it's still one of my favorite movies to this day.

True story: I loved that movie long before I knew he was attached to it. One day I was just sitting there watching it for the bazillionth time and I turned to my husband and said "gosh this sounds allot like something Joss would write" he just looked at me like I had Issues as he usually does when I mention Josses name (not a Whedonite). So I got up and started to look at the credits on the back of the dvd case and sure enough there was his name. I was probably overly excited at this fact looking back but I didn't care. I was just so happy to see that my intuition was right and that I could in fact spot his writing anywhere. I was also more than happy to see my favorite writer/ director/ creator/ leader was attached to my favorite movie.

And now one of my favorite quites from Titan A.E.:

AKIMA: What are you going to call it?
CALE: I think I'm going to call it... 'Bob'.
AKIMA: You can't call a planet 'Bob'!
CALE: Oh, so now you're the boss. You're the king of Bob.
AKIMA: Can't we just call it 'Earth'?
CALE: Well, no one said you had to live on Bob.

There you have it kids, my favorite Whedon show and movie. Tune it next time to see.......other.....things I decide to write about. In the meantime what is your favorite Whedon TV show or movie and why?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Blog Numero Uno: Introduction

Ok, so, I have never really blogged before and I'm not really sure I even know how. Truth is that I (like allot of people) am inspired by the works of Joss Whedon. This amazing universe he has created full of witty banter and great story lines, awesome actors and relatable characters. I can never seem to get enough. Another inspiration for me is the folks at Buffyfest. They inspired me to set out into the World Wide Web and start chatting you good folk up. I loved that they wanted to share news and their thoughts and so they did and turned it into something super fun and pretty darn successful so cheers to you Buffeyfest.

I don't have any writing background and my spelling and grammar leave something to be desired (If you find yourself running through my blog thinking "my oh my that's some poor grammar" or "learn how to spell you HOE-tze duh PEE-goo" then this may not be the place for you.) but I'm here anyway and my big plan is to write down useless sometimes, hopefully witty all the time things that I feel like sharing. It may be news I have to share or maybe my personal thoughts on a subject or heck it might even be what I had for lunch the other day.

I have been a fan of Joss and his universe for about 13 years (basically Buffy season one) and love just about everything that man touches. I own almost all of his works from t.v. to movies to comics (I desperately want to name all of my favorites but I will get to that another time). I am also a proud Brwoncoat that collects memorabilia and art from all of his projects (Obsessed? maybe. Aren't you?). I want to share with my fellow Whedonites all my thoughts and feelings on all things Whedon and this is the place I plan to do it.

So what sort of charming, silly, witty things will this crazy chick have to say? Well stay tuned and find out.